On-Demand Video Classes

On Demand Classes are for those who want the same personal experience of practicing with Jennifer, but on their own schedule.

INTRODUCTORY RATE:  $8 rental for 72-hours
(Shorter videos are available for $6)

  • Tap on “Rent Class Now” button underneath the class description
  • You’ll be taken to my On Demand page on Vimeo
  • When payment is processed, the link to the video will be emailed directly to your inbox.

Or, rent all 8 videos for the introductory rate of $48.
Click here to rent all.

On-Demand Video Yoga For Singers

This seated warm up will get you moving and motivated to sing! With your breath and simple movements you’ll energize and activate your core, strengthen your body and stretch your hips and legs.

Duration: 7-minutes

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On-Demand Yoga Videos Core Strength At Your Desk

In under 10 minutes and without leaving your desk, activate and strengthen your core. Leg strength and hip stretches give relief from sitting for long hours.on-demand yoga videos

Duration: 10-minutes

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On-Demand Yoga Videos Too Much Sitting

Core work, strong leg work in standing poses, the challenge of balancing on one leg & hip stretches to unwind tightness may help to relieve the effects of too much sitting.

Duration: 60-minutes

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On-Demand Video Yoga Softness & Strength

Softening your body into the ground allows access to more challenging poses through the balance of effort with ease. This practice includes core work, standing poses and an arm balance.

Duration: 65-minutes

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On-Demand Video Yoga Awash With Peace

These step by step moves will help to support your core and your hips as you gain freedom for your spine and soul in an asymmetric seated pose.

Duration: 75-minutes

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On-Demand Video Yoga First Things First

Establishing a clear foundation for your pelvis at the start of practice creates stability, support and energy for core work, standing poses, as well as side-reclining leg lift and hero’s pose.

Duration: 65-minutes

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On-Demand Video Yoga Self Compassion

Start with gentle skin stroking to relax your face and open your chest. Progress from core curl downs through back bending lunges and a multiple choice hamstring stretch. Invite a relaxed and open breath moment by moment.

Duration: 70-minutes

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On-Demand Video Yoga Sinking Into Presence

Being firmly rooted allows us to actually become light as a feather. Jennifer will open the possibility of creativity and fun while guiding a slow, flowing practice of core work, lunge poses with buoyant lungs, arm balances and lots of time for stillness.

Duration: 75-minutes

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