It came about innocently enough. An intro level Improv Comedy class being offered super cheap for my daughter's high school's fundraising auction last Spring. I had never done Improv Comedy before but it seemed like fun. I was the lone...
My Summer of Self-Help
"In truth, we don't know which of our acts in the present will shape the future. But we have to behave as if everything we do matters. Because it might." Gloria Steinem My Summer of Self-Help began on February 1. That was the day I...
The Heart of Silence
Tara's Brach's books are steeped in tenderness, and full of wisdom. After reading her most recent book, True Refuge, I immediately did the right thing and signed up for her mailing list. Soon after, I got a newsletter from Tara with her...
A Summer of Inspiration: My Travelogue of Classes
THIS is exactly what I needed: some fresh inspiration to remind me of what yoga is really all about. I took a long break from teaching this summer (7 weeks!) and opened up to new ideas. I took all kinds of classes: hot yoga, TRX, Pilates,...
Nervous About Teaching, even after 30 years
I was already starting to worry about the weather a week before I was going to teach the FREE yoga class in Prospect Park. If the weather turned out to be cool, I'd have to put a sequence together of non-stop movement so that people would...
JB and the Manspreaders
I grew up at the mercy of two Manspreaders. In the back seat of our family car, I was smooshed on the hump, while my brothers made themselves comfortable, spreading their legs wide and taking up as much of the back seat as they wanted for their sprawling limbs…
When The Pose Hurts
Who Teaches Me? Once a week, regardless of my over-scheduled life, I take my yoga class with Genny Kapuler. It is precious two-hour ritual that feeds and sustains me with knowledge, inspiration and energy. When the stars align just right,...
Dance Lesson for a Yogi
Demi Plie: As a dancer, I spent countless hours at the ballet barre. We'd onto the barre to practice many movements especially our demi plie. A demi plie is a knee bend with the heels firmly rooted to the floor. If you have a flexible...
I Was a Crack Addict
When I was a dancer, just before I moved across the floor or went onstage, I would crack my left ankle and the arch of my right foot. I also cracked every knuckle on each of my fingers. If I pressed on the back of my right hip hard enough...
Don’t Read in Bed
Your habit puts your neck at risk! One of the sweetest moments at the end of a long day is crawling into bed with a book. This wonderful moment can turn out to be a true source of pain in your neck because when you slump down with a book...